DSJ Service Opportunities

Thursday, October 20, 2005

Young Adult Immersion Trips

Young Adult White Mountain Apache Trip
You are invited to examine Native American culture and visit ancient historical sites on the Apache, Navajo and Hopi Indian reservations in Arizona and New Mexico. We will do volunteer work on the Apache reservation and participate and observe ancient Native American rituals, possibly including the Apache Puberty rites, Apache sweat lodge, and attendance of a Katsina Dancing Ceremony. We will also visit ancient Anasazi archaelogical sites in Chaco Canyon, New Mexico and visit Canyon de Shelly on the Navajo reservation. For more information email or call Steve Herrera at 408 266-2287 email: ImmersionDSJ@aol.com

Youth Immersion Trips

Youth Doing Justice
Join youth from various parishes in the Diocese in
building schools in impoverished areas of Tijuana, and feeding homeless people in downtown San Francisco. Learn about the causes of poverty in the US and Mexico as you do something about it. For an application and more information contact Steve Herrera at 408-266-2287 or email at: ImmersionDSJ@aol